About Us

Find out more about the Matthew22 Team

“Hello, I’m Carolyn and I had the honour of being Matthew’s mum.

Matthew was a unique individual, definitely once met never forgotten! I was only able to read
the messages Matt’s friends and family left in his memorial book recently, and what came
through was the support and help he gave everyone. Even when times were tough for him,
he would be available for a chat or text, offering advice and a shoulder to cry on when

When it was suggested that the funds we raise should be used to help patients and their
families directly, it was an obvious choice, carrying on Matthew’s legacy. We were fortunate
in that most of Matthew’s treatment took place nearby, but we know the financial difficulties
taking patients to hospital can create. Waiting for hospital appointments and treatment is
stressful and draining for all involved. We hope that supporting our partner charities will allow
them to issue financial grants, café vouchers etc, which can make such a difference to a
traumatic experience.

Thank you all for your support”.
Carolyn Hollingworth, Secretary of the Matthew22 Fund

Our Trustees

As part of our constitution, we are regulated by a board of trustees, below is an introduction to the trustees who make the decisions for the Matthew22 fund

Name: Daniel Hollingworth (Chair)
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: DanielH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“As Matthew’s older brother and chair of the Matthew22 Fund board of trustees I hope to help organise various fundraising events to support charitable organisations.

I will aim to provide support to other trustees with their fundraising activities and help with the organisation and running of the fund itself”.

Name: Gary Hollingworth (Founder)
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: GaryH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“As Matthew’s father I am hoping my positivity, determination and drive will help to make the Matthew22 Fund a success and give our son the legacy he deserves.

I hope the funds we raise collectively we can help spare just one family the heartache we feel on a daily basis.

I am proud to work alongside the other trustees, all of which mean a lot to me and are close to my heart, we will achieve our goals with this fine team”.

Name: Neil Riley (Treasurer)
Location: North East
Email: NeilR.Matthew22@gmail.com

“I hope to use my experience to help promote the Matthew 22 charity, and to increase awareness of Bone Cancer in the North East and beyond”.

Name: Carolyn Hollingworth (Secretary)
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: CarolynH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“Hello, I’m Carolyn and I had the honour of being Matthew’s mum.

As the secretary of the charity I’m involved in the organisation and day to day running of the charity”.

Name: Jonathan Hollingworth
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: JonathanH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“Hi, I am Matthew’s twin brother and proud to be a trustee of the Matthew 22 Fund.

I will be spearheading several fundraisers and able to aid Matthew’s close friends in any way they wish to support the charity. I will also be responsible for running the social media of the Matthew 22 Fund, to spread our message as far and wide as possible

Implementing Matthew22 Around the World has been something I am immensely proud of, and our reach in such a short time has been staggering”.

Name: Louise Holroyd
Location: Midlands
Email: LouiseH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“What I want to bring to the Matthew22 Fund is objectivity, new fundraising ideas and experience of being on both a charity board and a governors board previously.

I want the see the fund grow, flourish and above all raise awareness of Matt’s outstanding courage and the fight people have to go through including their loved ones”

Name: Lindsay Marley
Location: South East
Email: LindsayM.Matthew22@gmail.com

“My heart and soul is with the Matthew22 Fund. As a nurse, providing care to patients, I’ve seen firsthand the heartache of losing someone to different forms of cancer and want to help provide objective fundraising ideas and support in order to help further research and to fund effective long-term treatment for bone cancer”.

Name: Steve Anthony
Location: South Wales
Email: SteveA.Matthew22@gmail.com

“My aim as a Trustee is to bring awareness of Bone Cancer, especially within the younger generation within my area of South Wales as well as the UK in general.

I intend to raise as much Charitable Funds as possible in order to support those affected by cancer and the research into this most devastating disease”.

Name: Graham Mallory
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: GrahamM.Matthew22@gmail.com

“I bring over 40 years’ experience of administration and fundraising in a charitable organisation.

I want The Matthew22 Fund to be a positive force in supporting all that was valued by the courageous Matthew Hollingworth”.

Name: Paul Hackett
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: PaulH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“With over 25 years experience as a business owner I’m hoping I can utilise and share the knowledge and experience gained.

Raising awareness (especially for the younger generations) has to be top of my agenda through fund raising events as well as promoting the charity through my own business/website and social media.

There is a cure out there. Let’s find it.”

Name: Neil Bond
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: NeilB.Matthew22@gmail.com

“I bring my full support to the Matthew22 Fund in making sure Matthew’s legacy is spread far and wide.

With the various locations of all the other trustees, some of whom have experience in this field, we can help some great foundations to move forward”.

Name: Richard Halford
Location: West Yorkshire
Email: RichH.Matthew22@gmail.com

“As a proud trustee of the Matthew22 Fund I would like to utilise my skills to assist the success of the Fund in achieving our financial and personal goals.

I’m hoping that we can create Matthew a legacy that will help and assist many
others, who may find themselves suffering at the hands of this disease, for years to come”.